Thursday, August 1, 2019

That Word "Communion"

The word "communion" is one that is used in a number of different contexts in Catholic prayer and rituals.  People often refer to the Eucharist as Communion.  We celebrate a person's "First Holy Communion," for example, when he/she receives the Eucharist for the first time.  In addition, the priest/celebrant begins Mass with the words "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with all of you."  And, when we pray the Apostles' Creed, we state that we believe in the Communion of Saints.  What does it mean?

Webster's dictionary gives five different definitions, such as a "sharing" or a "participation," or "an intimate relationship with deep understanding" as well as a Catholic definition: "the sharing in or celebration of, the consecrated bread or wine of the Eucharist."  I  like the definition given in my Catholic dictionary because it seems to cover all the bases in Catholic contexts: "The most sacred expression for any one of different forms of togetherness." 

Togetherness ... in other words, a union, a unity, a spiritual closeness, a spiritual relationship, a spiritual intimacy.  That especially seems to fit with the use of the word with the Eucharist.  But the communion of the Holy Spirit?  The Communion of Saints?  Togetherness with the Holy Spirit?  Togetherness with the Saints?  Yes!

My Catholic dictionary has a definition of the Communion of Saints.  It is the unity and cooperation of the members of the Church on earth with those in heaven and in purgatory.  We profess the same faith, obey the same authority, and assist each other with prayers and good works.  We honor the saints in heaven as glorified members of the Church, request their intercession, and strive to imitate their virtue.  And we exhibit a togetherness and a cooperatioin with the souls in purgatory by praying for them, knowing that they will become saints.

All this togetherness gets the adrenaline flowing.  What a great gift we have in our faith!  Nurture it, love it, ask God to increase and protect it.  Amen!

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