Thursday, July 25, 2019

Everyone's Dream

Winning the lottery is everyone's dream.  Once you pay the taxes on it, you can retire and live a life of luxury.  My question today is, what was the equivalent of the lottery back in the time of Christ?  What was everyone's dream back then?

Jesus brought up the subject at least twice.  He knew what everyone dreamed about.  One was finding out that there was a great treasure buried in a field.  He said that when someone finds out about it, he would go and buy that field.  Another was a man who found a pearl of great price.  Even back then, it seems, everyone's dream was to become rich through no effort of their own.

But what point was Jesus making?  Was he making sure that everyone would be aware and pay the taxes?  No, he didn't mention taxes.  It was all about heaven.  Both parables begin with the words "The kingdom of heaven is like ....."  Yes, the kingdom is like that buried treasure.  The kingdom of heaven is like that pearl of great price.  Everybody wants to find it.  Today, Jesus would probably say that the kingdom of heaven is like that winning lottery ticket.  It would mean that our every wish and desire would be satisfied. 

No one knows what it's going to be like for sure.  Jesus assures us that it means eternal happiness.  People ask "Will my dog be there?"  "Will I be driving a shiny new Corvette in heaven?"  Such questions are the wrong questions.  The real question should be "How do I get there?"  Jesus wants you to have faith in him and his message. 

Here is another statement from Jesus:  "Blessed are you when people insult, persecute you, and utter every kind of calumny against you on my account.  Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven.  Amen!

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