Thursday, October 11, 2018

Time For A Break

Five years ago, almost to the day, the My Thursday Thoughts had its beginnings.  Since then, there have been 52 x 5, or 260 Thursdays.  That means 260 MTT postings without hardly a break.  The first year, 2013-14, it consisted of a Facebook posting every Thursday morning for my Facebook friends to read.  Then, four years ago this month, it continued as a formal blog on

Someone asked me recently why I do it.  My answer is that I simply believe that I have been called to do it.   Perhaps it is in response to Pope St. John Paul II’s call for the “New Evangelization.”  In any event, I have felt compelled to try to get relatives and friends to start thinking more about their eternal destiny while at the same time trying to improve on my own personal shortcomings as a devoted Catholic.  It feels good to do it.  I feel I am doing something good and constructive in my retirement.  Now, I’ve given it some thought and decided to take a 6-week break.  I’ll be back on Thanksgiving Day, November 22, with a plan for the future of this blog.  I sincerely thank my faithful readers whoever you are.

This coming Saturday, October 13, is the 101st anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun that occurred in Fatima, Portugal, on October 13, 1917.  This is when devoted Catholics like myself believe that the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared for the sixth consecutive month to the three shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal, with a message for all humanity on earth.  The message was to let us all know how important it is to pray.  She prophesied that serious wars and other calamities were on the horizon unless we changed our ways.  She wanted us to pray the rosary daily.  To prove that her apparitions were for real, she promised that a miracle would occur during her sixth and final appearance on that October 13.  It was the so-called “Miracle of the Sun.”  The whole story is summarized on Wikipedia,  Please take a look if you have the urge. 

I’ll see you back here on Thanksgiving Day.  In the meantime, you may take a look at the archive for this blog and read some of the 203 past postings which are available on the Web site if you have that urge.  God bless you, and have a great Feast of All Saints Day on November 1!

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