Thursday, January 24, 2019

Great Minds and Their Disagreements

Throughout history, we have had many people step into our world that are known especially for their intelligence.  Yet, when it comes to a discussion of what is true, these people have widely differing opinions.  Why is that?  After all, the truth is just that, the truth, and it would seem that intelligent people, who have looked at all the variables and all of the evidence, should all agree.  Right?  But we are divided.  In Issue after issue, the divisions run deep. 

Let us take a look at the existence of God, for example.  This coming Monday, January 28, the Catholic Church celebrates the Memorial of Saint Thomas Aquinas.  Thomas stepped into our world in the year 1225.  He was a Catholic and became a Dominican priest.  He was known for his great intelligence and became a famous philosopher.  He authored arguably the most important text in the history of the Church, Summa Theologica, a comprehensive treatise on the existence of God.  In it, he gives us five essential proofs for God’s existence.  This text is still used today to train seminarians in Catholic philosophy.  Obviously, in Thomas’ brilliant mind, God exists, and has given us Christianity to save us from our sins.

Now let us take a look at another famous personality:  Carl Sagan.  Dr. Sagan, born in 1934 was also very intelligent and very famous.  He was an astrophysicist, a cosmologist, and has also authored some highly respected works in his field. He drew attention to the cosmos with his popular video series, Cosmos: A Personal Voyage.  He was an atheist.  Here is a quote attributed to him that I ran across recently:  "Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark.  In our obscurity, in all thuis vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhare to save us from ourselves."  

When I read that quote, I wanted to scream at him and tell him that indeed help HAS come from elsewhere ... from heaven!  Haven't you seen the "hints?"  God exists, and has saved us from ourselves already.  We must recognize this, become believers, and follow his teachings!  Oh, brother!

Why great minds can't agree on life's issues is one of the great mysteries.  Jesus said:  "I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except thought  me."  (John 14:6).  Why can't everyone believe that?  

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