On the first Good Friday nearly 2000 years ago, the Jews presented
Jesus to Pontius Pilate hoping that Pilate would condemn him to death for
making himself their king. To his
credit, Pilate anxiously tried to discover the truth. Was Jesus the king of the Jews or not? He questioned Jesus. Jesus’ famous response was confusing: “You say I am a king. For this I was born and for this I came into
the world, to testify to the truth.
Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.” Pilate’s comeback demonstrated his obvious
frustration: “What is truth?” (Quotations are from John, Chapter 18.)
Right now I feel a little bit like Pilate because I am frustrated
by what some people feel is the truth about modern day issues. My
question is this: how can intelligent people disagree on what is true even when
all the evidence is laid out in front of them?
Examples: Does God exist or
did everything in the universe and on earth simply evolve with no supreme power? Was Jesus Christ the Son of God, or just a
good man? Is the Catholic Church today
the true Church founded by Christ or just one denomination out of thousands for
us to simply choose? Is the Eucharist
the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ, or just bread and
wine? I’ve given MTT about these over
time and you may have sensed that I get frustrated just like Pilate.
Then there are modern
day examples in politics that constantly frustrate us. A Facebook friend recently posted his
thoughts following Justice Scalia’s death:
“I do not relish
the passing of anyone, but he did NOT represent my principles and belief system
-- on almost any subject.” Ah, yes, the
debate between conservative belief systems and liberal belief systems. For example, is the pre-born child a human
being and thereby covered by the Constitution as deserving of life, liberty,
and the pursuit of happiness, or is it just a glob of cells that doesn’t become
a human being until birth?
Yes, I seem to find myself asking "What is truth?" every day. I always have an answer, and I get frustrated that other people don't arrive at the same answer. My answer always seems like the obvious one. Why can't others see it? I don't have the answer to THAT. I guess I just have to say that my belief system is what it is and it is different from theirs. That's when I turn to prayer: Lord, I pray for the human race and where it is headed. I know that you will come again some day. Please intervene in the meantime and help us conform to your will. Amen.
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