In the Catholic Church, this Sunday, November 1, is All Saints Day. The first reading at the Mass for All Saints
Day is taken from the Book of Revelation.
Today, the following verse from this reading is on my mind: “Then one of the elders spoke up and said to
me, ‘Who are these wearing white robes, and where did they come from?’ I said to him, ‘My lord, you are the one who
knows.’ He said to me, “These are the
ones who have survived the time of great distress; they have washed their robes
and made them white in the Blood of the Lamb.’” (Rev 7:13-14).
I’ve asked myself, “What is this ‘time of great distress’, or this
‘great period of trial’ as it was translated in earlier versions of my New
American Bible?” Commentaries I have
read say that the author of Revelation (St. John) meant this ‘great period of
trial’ to refer to a period of fierce persecution of the early Christians at
the hands of the Roman authorities. This
commentary also states that the Book of Revelation remains valid and meaningful
for Christians of all time. So how is it
“valid and meaningful” for us today?
Well, first, I understand that, in Revelation, St. John is giving
his account of a vision of heaven in the highly symbolic and allegorical
language popular in the literature of his day. I picture him, in this vision, speaking with the elder while viewing the spectacle of the
“multitude” standing “before the throne and before the Lamb…” as stated earlier
in the account. It is easy to
understand that the throne is the throne of God, that the Lamb is Jesus, and
that the multitude consists of the saints of heaven. But, what of the great period of trial, or
the time of great distress, which they have survived? It seems clear that these terms refer to their
time on Earth.
If that is true, then the story is valid and meaningful for us
today in that we must survive OUR great period of trial so that we can stand
before God upon our death having been made clean by washing our robes and
making them white in the Blood of the Lamb.
What must we do specifically to survive it in this way? That is the question that must be
answered. The interpretation of the
Catholic Church is that we must die in the state of grace, free from sin. It goes back to other Thursday Thoughts that
I’ve had. We must use the Holy Catholic
Church as our guide, make use of the Sacraments, be aware of the mercy of God,
confess our sins and be ready. Remember,
the end will come “like a thief in the night.”
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