The death of Billy
Graham yesterday makes me sad. He was a
charismatic, Christian leader, apparently of great faith in Jesus Christ and deserving
of much respect. I wish I would have had
a chance to sit down with him over coffee and talk about the continuing split
between Catholicism and Protestantism and exactly what his thoughts are in this
matter. The major topic of discussion
would be our eternal salvation.
Both groups would agree
that faith in Jesus Christ is necessary for salvation. Jesus Himself said as much: “I am the way and the truth and the
life. No one comes to the Father except
through me.” (John 14:6). The question then becomes this: Since both Catholics and Protestants are
Christian, i.e. believers in Jesus Christ, can members of both groups be
My personal
understanding of the Protestant faith is that if we simply accept and profess Jesus
as our personal Lord and Savior, we are saved … the concept of “Faith Alone.” There is no other requirement. They say that Jesus’ death took away all our
past, present, and future sins. The
Catholic belief is that we are saved by faith in Jesus, yes, but in addition,
we must be in the state of grace at our death, i.e., no mortal sin on our soul. What Jesus’ death did was to open the pearly
gates of heaven for us. Mortal sins must
be forgiven through the sacrament of Confession. We must still seek repentance and obtain
forgiveness in this way before our death.
It is on Judgement Day that Jesus will then separate the sheep from the
goats, the righteous from the accursed.
(Matt 25:31-46).
There is no doubt on
either side that faith is necessary for salvation and that Jesus’ death by crucifixion
was key. It seems that the dispute comes
down to interpretation of Scripture.
Both groups cite Scripture passages that they say support their points
of view. Protestants claim that anyone can interpret
Scripture in whatever way they want, which explains why there are so many
Protestant denominations. Catholics
claim that proper interpretation of Scripture is a task of the Catholic Church,
which they claim is the true Church founded by Jesus and is guided by the Holy
Spirit in these matters.
The Catholic Church is
open to the thought that people who profess their faith in the Protestant
tradition may not necessarily be excluded from salvation. It depends on what they know about
Catholicism and what they truly believe.
Here is a statement from the Second Vatican Council: “Hence, they could not be saved who, knowing
that the Catholic Church was founded as necessary by God through Christ, would
refuse either to enter or to remain in it.”
(Lumen Gentium 14).
So, Billy Graham, what
do you think? Unfortunately, his voice
is now silent. My prayer for today: Lord, if it is your will, please bring our brother Billy through
the pearly gates and into life with you.