Most of us who believe in God believe that He is the Creator of all things and that he is the one thing that has existed forever, that there is no “Day 1” for God, that no one created God. This begs the question “What was it like before He created all things?” Was it just God and nothing else?
One answer
to this question is to say that time was created right along with the heavens
and the earth. If that is true, then
words like “forever” and “before” are nonsensical words when trying to
contemplate what was here before the beginning.
There is no answer in Scripture, as far as I know. Chapter 1 of Genesis only says “In the
beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless
wasteland and darkness covered the abyss, while wind swept over the waters.” And it goes on from there, with God creating
light on the first “day,” the sky on the second day, vegetation on the third
day, the sun, moon, and stars on the fourth day, etc., etc. Obviously God existed before the beginning,
but otherwise, no word about what it was like “before the beginning.” No word about the creation of time. It seems to me that it is one of those inexplicable
mysteries that only God can answer, like the Blessed Trinity or Transubstantiation
(the changing of bread and wine into Christ’s body and blood while retaining
the appearances of bread and wine).
But that
doesn’t stop philosophers and scientists, both atheists and believers, from
speculating. And we also have the so-called “Big Bang”
theory, in which everything we see, everything that exists, began with the
massive explosion. But what was here before the explosion? Much of modern speculation seems to be about
that, as well as about parallel universes and other seemingly nonsensical
allow me to add my two-cents worth of speculation. The Big Bang was not the beginning of
everything, but only the beginning of the observable universe. With this comes the idea that there is much
more out there. Perhaps the cosmos is
infinite. But I’m not the first to
propose that. Perhaps the cosmos has
been here all along, right along with God.
But that contradicts Genesis, does it not? Light and “the heavens” were created on the
first day and the sun, moon, and stars on the fourth day. Okay, back the drawing board. But Genesis does say that the earth was “a
formless wasteland and darkness covered the abyss …"). What exactly is/was the “abyss” anyway?
I love to
contemplate these things. I’m not smart
enough to be a philosopher in this modern day and age, but I do have an
imagination, just like you, and I love to read about all the speculation. And it is great fun, this imagining and
speculating. You know what? We’ll all have the answers when time
ends. All we can do between now and then
is believe in God and live our lives accordingly. Amen